Kids at Museum




Cultural Connect Program

Urban Anthropology Inc. offers an extremely unique program for middle and high school students in southeastern Wisconsin. The program is designed to familiarize students with the cultural groups in their own backyards. These studies have been collaborative ventures between UrbAn and the local universities’ anthropology departments. Urban Anthropology Inc. is the only organization in the United States that has studied these backyard cultural groups and has also made documentaries on each of these. Various versions of the program are outlined below.



(groups up to 30)

Full program:
1 year
(available on limited basis)

Presentations in schools by anthropologists on nine cultural or subcultural groups in Milwaukee. The groups include German Americans, African Americans, Mexican Americans, Irish Americans, homeless, Hmong Americans, Puerto Rican Americans, Urban Indians, and Polish Americans. All presentations and films are based on original studies of the cultures of Southeastern Wisconsin, conducted by cultural anthropologists at Urban Anthropology Inc.
Each presentation includes approximately 90 minutes (total) of

• Content,
• A local and original film on the cultural group,
• Discussions,
• A game of jeopardy with prizes--for fun and to increase retention,
• Plus annual field trip to one of UrbAn’s settlement museums.


Clustered Options

Area packages including three presentations (as above) by an anthropologist and a museum field trip. These include choice of the following:

(1) Polish, Mexican, and Native Americans with trip to the Old South Side Settlement Museum
(2) Puerto Rican, Polish, and African Americans.


Single options


Order individual group curriculum with no cultural anthropologist, for one cultural group only (includes directions to games)

view video clip

$100 ea

Full Package

Order all nine group packages with no anthropologist (includes directions to games).

$900 ea

To order: Contact us at (414) 335-3729


Urban Anthropology Inc
To reach Jill Florence Lackey email
To reach Rick Petrie email or call (414) 335-3729
General email address: