
Cultural anthropologists are not just professionals trained in ethnic diversity and intercultural communication. They also possess a wide range of skills needed in industry, education, health care, social services, business, and community-based organizations. Some of these skills include the following:

  • Research & evaluation
  • Advocacy and organizing
  • Cultural competence training
  • Archaeology initiatives
  • Health care and culture
  • Language in a diverse society
  • Assisting consumers & producers
  • Program development
  • Culture and ecology
  • Cultural enrichment
  • Visual arts: practitioners
  • Virtual administrative assistance
  • And more

About the Coop:
Members of the Urban Anthropology Inc. co-op have degrees in anthropology or directly related fields, such as cultural geography or ethnic studies. They are a culturally diverse group. Some hold doctorate degrees and others hold master’s or bachelor’s degrees. All live in the greater Milwaukee area and have documented experience in their areas of expertise. All have in-depth knowledge of Milwaukee’s cultural groups--their practices, ideas, and values. Urban Anthropology Inc. is the nonprofit organization that has conducted comprehensive studies of the area’s cultural groups and has documentaries based on these studies—most of which appear on PBS.
An advantage of using consultants who are anthropologists to meet specific needs is that they bring to the table the added benefits of being able to tailor services to meet the needs of a culturally diverse population.
All arrangements made with members of this co-op are made independently—not through the organization. When a potential client contacts Urban Anthropology Inc. about a needed consulting service, staff at the organization will put the potential client in touch with all members who can provide that service. Fees may vary, as may the specifics of the service. Urban Anthropology Inc. cannot guarantee the work of any co-op member, as consultant contracts are negotiated independently.
For more information and to be put in touch with specific consultants, contact Urban Anthropology, Inc.



707 W. Lincoln Ave. • Milwaukee, WI 53215 • Phone (414) 271-9417 • Fax (414) 271-9417 •