OASIS (Operation Artists, Scholars and Innovators)
In 2004, Richard Florida wrote a book called Cities and the Creative Class. Florida defined a “creative class” as a conglomerate of knowledge workers, intellectuals, and various types of artists—all who have a propensity for diversity, tolerance, and technology. When an urban center can attract these individuals, the result is an economically flourishing area. Per Florida, Milwaukee has the raw ingredients to be a creative class city. Urban Anthropology Inc. (UrbAn) has implemented a program called OASIS (Operation Artists, Scholars and Innovators).
UrbAn is working with a cadre of artistic and humanities organizations and residents and investors in Lincoln Village/Baran Park to draw poets, visual artists, LGBT families, performers, humanities scholars, and entrepreneurs to these two neighborhoods. Throughout 2011, tours will be conducted to attract potential creative class residents.
2006 to 2010 (already completed projects). Old South Side Settlement Museum, two art pillars in Kosciuszko Park, neighborhood documentary, summer lecture series on humanities in Milwaukee, youth cultural programming, three art spaces along Lincoln Avenue (walls where local artists display their work), the Family Tree project that added 13 trees and public art to local parks.
Autumn 2010 to autumn 2013. Draw in over 20 creative class households to Lincoln Village and Baran Park.
Autumn 2012 to autumn 2014. Add streetscaping and public art to the two neighborhoods.
Autumn 2010 to 2017. Attract developers that will add galleries, museums/exhibits, coffee shops, studios, humanities organizations, cultural programs/facilities, creative new shops.
If you are a resident or investor in these neighborhoods and would like to join this effort, contact Rick at 271-9417 or rickpetrie@gmail.com.
Click here to download: The Park Neighborhods:The Next Best Place